Anchoring In The Eye Of The Storm: Top 10 Ways To Project Professionalism and Poise
As a successful business owner, there’s no such thing as having a bad day.
I’ll explain.
We are all human so life will happen at some point or another. Like when your train is delayed on the tracks for 45 minutes or when you’re in a meeting and your mind just won’t focus. Maybe you’ve had a string of bad luck lately and it feels like the universe is conspiring against you.
No matter what’s going on in your life, as a business owner, it’s your responsibility to show up as the leader of your company. That means being present, focused, and above all else, professional.
You represent the brand every time you step out into the world or show your face on camera. And first impressions are everything. When you’re consistently putting out valuable content, you never know which piece will be the first video, post, or blog a prospective client sees.
If they don’t like the image you present, they won’t dig deep enough to immerse themselves in the 10 to 20 years of education, experience, and expertise you have to offer.
Treat every upload and appearance like it’s the first time everyone in the room is seeing your brand and make it an experience they’ll never forget.
To do that, follow these top 10 ways to ensure you’re always representing your company in the best light, no matter what’s going on behind the scenes.
This list isn’t going to tell you to drink water, exercise, and get sleep. Those are the basics that you already know. In this article, we’re going to test your emotional intelligence to see if you truly know yourself and have full control over the way you react to the world around you.
Let’s not waste any time.
1. Get Dressed for Success
This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to dress the part of a successful business owner. Whether you’re meeting with clients, game-planning with investors, appearing on a podcast, or giving a presentation, you need to look the part.
That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on designer clothes. But it does mean taking the time to put together a well-coordinated outfit that makes you look and feel confident.
2. Speak With Confidence
Your words carry enormous weight as a business owner. So when you’re addressing your audience, project confidence in your voice. This means speaking at a steady pace, without filler words like “um” or “like.”
It also means being aware of your body language. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and use your hands to gesture when appropriate. These nonverbal cues will make you come across as more confident and credible.
3. Prepare For Every Appearance
Think back to a time when you felt uncomfortable for someone else on stage. As soon as they got up, you could instantly tell they were unprepared and that’s the only aspect of their appearance you remember.
Don’t let that be you.
Whether you’re giving a presentation or going into a meeting, take the time to gather your thoughts. Yes, you already have years of knowledge packed in your brain but you need to figure out how to comprehensively share that with the rest of the world.
This way, you’ll be able to answer questions easily and confidently without getting flustered.
4. Stay Calm Under Pressure
As a business owner, there will be times when certain events don’t go according to plan. That’s just life. Maybe a client cancels at the last minute or an important shipment gets delayed.
When these seemingly stressful situations arise, it’s important to stay cool, calm, and collected. Take a deep breath and start coming up with solutions to the situation. This will help keep your cool in the face of adversity.
5. Make Evidence-Based Decisions
Part of being a successful business owner is being able to make tough decisions quickly. If you’re constantly second-guessing yourself, it will show in your actions and greatly hinder your decision-making skills.
Instead, trust your gut and go with your first instinct. You’ve spent years working hard to be in the leadership position you’re currently in, so…
Why wouldn’t you trust yourself even when the stakes are high?
6. Truly Listen To The People You Serve
Your business wouldn’t stay afloat without the army of people that support you.
Community is everything and stellar listening skills will help you build strong relationships with the people you work with.
One of the best ways to build rapport with someone is to be a good listener. When they’re talking to you, really listen to what they’re saying and ask follow-up questions. This shows that you’re genuinely interested in them and what they have to say.
It also allows you to learn more about their needs and how you can help them. That one conversation may be the key to unlocking your next BIG launch.
7. Project A Positive Attitude
No matter what’s going on in your life, it’s important to project a positive attitude. This doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time because that’s not reasonable. But it does mean being optimistic and looking for the silver lining, even in tough situations.
When you’re positive, people are drawn to you and want to work with you. So make sure you’re putting your best foot forward and radiating positive energy, no matter what’s going on behind the scenes.
If you need to know what it feels like to be in a room full of positive energy, start here.
8. Have The Courage To Stand In The Gap
To be successful, you need to be assertive. This means being able to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. It also means being able to say “no” when necessary.
Being assertive doesn’t mean being aggressive. Don’t get it twisted.
But it does mean having the confidence to defend your position and your team, even when it’s not popular.
9. Constantly Practice Humility
Even though you’re the boss, remember that you’re not always going to be right and that other people have valuable insights to offer. When you’re open to learning from others, it shows that you’re confident in your own abilities.
You have a team of brilliant individuals around you for a reason. They bring specific skills to the table that help strengthen your business. Listen to their insight and implement their groundbreaking ideas to truly scale your business to unlimited success.
10. Show Gratitude At Every Level
Last but not least, one of the most sincere ways to project confidence is to be grateful. When you’re thankful for what you have, it shows in your attitude and your interactions with others.
So take a moment each day to appreciate all the good things in your life. This positive mindset will create an affinity for success. Part of being grateful for the clients that support your business and the team that supports you is by continuing to share value.
Fortunately, the Leadership Live Deep Dive At 5 is my way of sharing value with leaders like you.
Join Us On Saturday For The LLDD@5
This Saturday at 5 p.m. EST, I’ll be joined by other incredible leaders in our community who are hungry to see their next BIG breakthrough.
This is a rare opportunity to get insights from a 7-figure business owner and learn how to take actionable steps to achieve massive levels of success.
So if you’re interested in taking your business to the next level, register for the free Leadership Live Deep Dive At 5 right now.
This is your chance to learn how to be a leader that other leaders want to follow.
P.S. – If you can’t make it on Saturday, don’t worry. We show up and show out every single Saturday with new, industry-leading secrets to share. Same time, same place.
11 Industry-Leading Secrets To Conquer Confidence
Mastering the art of confidence is truly half the battle when plunging headfirst into the business world.
As an expert in your current field, how do you successfully make the shift to becoming a leader in your industry of choice? With undeniable confidence.
Picture this.
You are about to enter a space full of other thought leaders that are dominating their industry. When you step into the room, time stops, heads turn, and eyes focus on the main attraction… you. Everyone can sense your presence and the atmosphere shifts in your favor.
Whew… that kind of pull is linked to power, poise, and killer positioning.
I’ve been the person who walks into a room and everyone instantly wants to see what my first move will be. That’s the kind of confidence that holds weight in any industry.
The only question that remains is…
How do we help you conquer that confidence and never let it go?
How Do You Transform Confidence Into A 7-Figure Business?
The answer to that question is quite simple if and only if you know how to start applying it today.
You transform competence into confidence by sharing with you the 11 industry-leading secrets that will help entrepreneurs and leaders gain the confidence they need to attract high-value clients.
Conquering confidence requires a top-down, inside-out approach.
You must first believe in yourself and your ability to lead before anyone else will. When you have that down, we can work on the strategy and how to present your unique value proposition in a way that displays foresight, knowledge, and of course, confidence.
When you’re part of this winning community, you’re always ready to take control of any room.
1. Start With A Clean Slate
The first step is always the hardest, but starting with a clean slate is important. That means leaving your baggage at the door, both figuratively and literally. I know you’ve heard of imposter syndrome or you’ve personally experienced it.
Imposter syndrome is when you feel like a fraud or you’re not good enough despite all evidence to the contrary. It’s common among entrepreneurs and business leaders.
It will be difficult to project confidence if you’re carrying around any self-doubt, resentment, or other negative emotions. Let them go.
2. Determine Your Intentions
If you step into a space without knowing your own intentions and reason for being there, how will anyone else know?
Before you can walk into a room with confidence, you need to know why you’re there. What is your intention? Are you there to make a sale? To network? To learn? Once you know your intention, it will be much easier to stay focused and present.
Write out your intentions and strategize your entrance to feel confident in the results you are guaranteed to see.
3. Visualize Your Success
It’s important to have a clear picture of what success looks like for you. What does it feel like to be confident and in control? How do people react when you enter a room? What kind of opportunities open up to you?
Take a moment to close your eyes and envision where you want to be. Once you can truly see yourself in that space of success, you can finally start taking action to get there.
With a clear vision, it will be much easier to take the steps necessary to make it a reality.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
If you’re not quite sure how to walk into a room with confidence just yet, that’s okay. That’s why I’m here to coach you every step of the way. Everyone has to start somewhere and practice makes perfect. Put on your best poker face and act like you belong—because you do.
Eventually, it will become second nature and I’m excited to see you flourish.
5. Dress For Success
The saying goes, “dress for the job you want, not t
he job you have.” That statement couldn’t be more true at this very moment. This is because how we dress has a direct impact on how we feel about ourselves and what we bring to the table.
When you look good, you feel good—and that confidence will shine through.
6. Stand Up Straight With Your Head Held High
Look at this scenario.
Who would you rather purchase a product from and trust with your vision for a financially free future?
Would you rather work with someone who creepily walks behind you with their head hanging and feet dragging, or someone who looks you in the eye, walks up to you with their head held high, and flashes you a beaming smile?
The way you carry yourself says a lot about how confident you are. If you want to project confidence, stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head held high. Remember, power posing is key.
7. Make Eye Contact
When you make eye contact with someone, it shows that you’re confident and interested in what they have to say. It also makes you appear more trustworthy and likable. Being personable and relatable is like striking gold in the current market.
So next time you’re in a meeting or networking event, be sure to make eye contact with every single person in the room.
8. Speak With Certainty
The way you speak says a lot about how confident you are. If you want to project confidence, speak with certainty—avoid using filler words like “um” or “like.” It’s also important to slow down and enunciate clearly.
Stay away from those filler words and watch your credibility exponentially increase.
9. Tell Impactful Stories
People love stories because they help us connect on a deeper level. When you tell personal stories, it instantly shows your willingness to be vulnerable and engage with the people around you. It also allows people to see the real you—and that’s what they’re looking for.
10. Be a Good Listener
Confident people are not only good at talking, but they’re also good at listening. When you take the time to truly listen to someone, it shows that you respect them and their opinion. It also allows you to gather important information that can be used later on in your business.
As you continue to grow as a leader in your industry, you need to be able to keep speaking to your target audience. That means being able to connect with them about their pain points and what value they need.
11. Hire The Right Executive Coach
You can’t go wrong when you hire the right executive coach. The right coach will walk with you through each step of your business-building journey. They will serve you at every turn and show you the exact systems you need to see massive income and impact in a short amount of time.
Fear Is A Confidence Killer. I Know How To Squash It.
When it comes to confidence, there is no “one size fits all” solution. What leadership style works for one person might not work for another. The important thing is to find what works for you and then run with it.
That being said, the same systems and strategies can work for everyone.
Fortunately, I know exactly what works. For years, I’ve helped people from all walks of life overcome their fears and build unshakeable confidence.
Trust me when I say that I’m the real deal—a transformational coach, consultant, speaker, and leader who knows no limits when it comes to delivering value and serving you to the highest possible degree.
You know all the insider secrets, how are you going to implement them?
Take Action Right Now. You’re In Your Prime.
- You are an educated pro who knows how to get the job done. There’s no doubt about that.
- You have unmatched experience in your industry. There’s no doubt about that.
- You are the first person people call when they need expert advice. There’s no doubt about that.
So what’s missing?
You need a high-level coach and a like-minded community.
Luckily, I’m always in the mood to over-deliver.
Join A Private Community Of Professionals Like You
Leadership Live Deep Dive At 5 is a private training for professionals who want to from organizational leaders to entrepreneurial sensations – free of charge. This online community helps you create an unforgettable personal brand.
You will learn:
- How to get unstuck and take action with confidence
- The 4 Cs of Success
- How to increase your 6-figure income to a 7-figure impact without hustling 24/7
- How to create massive amounts of value so high-level clients are lining up to purchase your high-ticket offers
- Why now is the time for you to take action
Right after you sign up, comment down below on what you’re most excited to learn from our private community call this Saturday.
How To Float Your Brand Above A Sea of Mediocrity
Many people in your position do not have the desire and dedication to realize their dreams.
Sounds harsh but we both know it’s true. This is a two-fold recipe that can’t be crafted into a decadent dessert without both pieces being mixed together just right. Just writing that out made me hungry for something.
What about you? What are you hungry for?
All those years you’ve spent gaining knowledge and working your way up to a high-level position have prepared you for the next step. Once you finally bridge the gap and become your own personal brand, there is no telling the copious amount of value and juice you can bring to the market.
Those high-ticket clients you would love to work with are waiting for you.
How do you nurture a connection between you and the people who need your expertise?
The key is to…
Get Noticed ,Anywhere and Everywhere, You Go
The most impactful way to make sure everyone knows your name is to have a name worth knowing.
Read that again.
Take a moment to reflect on all the life experiences, decisions, directions, and misdirections that have led you to this exact point in your career. You had to be doing something right because you made it almost all the way to the top.
I say the word “almost” because you feel in your heart that you’re still not quite there yet.
Sure, you have the typical accolades and accomplishments that are measured by any organization as the pinnacle of success like:
- Earning over six-figures
- Holding the title of Director, Manager, etc.
- Making big money for the organization (not necessarily for yourself)
But, you’re trapped.
You can’t move vertically anymore because the organization’s vision isn’t yours and you can’t see the forest through the trees. There isn’t a path forward and the only impact you can have is within those four walls.
What if I told you that simply isn’t the case anymore? You landing on this page, reading this article is your ticket to freedom in every sense of the word.
If you don’t want to continue operating in the shadows and you’re ready to have your break-out moment, read until the end.
How To Put Yourself In Front Of People That Pay
You can’t just put up a blog post or social media profile and expect people to flock to you with money. That’s not how this works, but I understand where that thinking comes from.
We’ve been conditioned by society, movies, and influencers to believe that all we have to do is put our dreams out there and the right people will find us.
The problem is that everyone else has the same dream which means there is an infinite number of blogs, articles, books, podcasts, etc. on the internet for people to consume…for free.
Your potential clients are going to continue searching for free resources until they find what they’re looking for or they run into someone like you that can help them get to the next level.
You have to put yourself right in front of them until they have to notice your value. I know I know, that’s easier said than done when you don’t know where to start.
I’ve helped people from all walks of life, with various backgrounds and experiences, craft a personal brand that cuts through the noise and gets them noticed by high-value clients.
Here are five ways you can do the same:
1. Become One With The Community
One surefire way to get people to take notice of your personal brand is by getting involved in the community. This could be your local community, online community, or both.
The key is to find groups of people that align with your target market and participate in the conversations that are taking place. This is a fantastic way to gain insight into what the people you want to serve care about most.
You can do this by joining relevant Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, or Reddit communities and adding value to the discussion.
This is not the time to be selling your products or services. You’re trying to build relationships and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
The people in these groups are going to be more likely to notice you when you finally do start promoting your personal brand because they already know, like, and trust what you have to offer.
2. Speak At Industry Events
Another effective way to get high-value clients to take notice of your personal brand is by letting your voice be known at various industry events.
This is a great opportunity to show off your expertise and connect with people that could potentially become your most loyal pool of clientele.
When you’re speaking at an event, you’re also positioning yourself as an authority figure in that field. High-value clients are seeking to open their wallets to any false prophet trying to sell them a bill of goods. You need to earn their trust to earn their business.
If you don’t have any upcoming events to speak at, you can also host your own.
Who’s stopping you?
This will give you complete control over the attendees and allow you to curate an experience that will be remembered long after the last echo of your voice dissipates from the room.
3. Be A Guest On Podcasts
Podcasts are becoming more and more popular with each passing year and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. This presents a unique avenue for personal brands to get in front of a new audience and share their story with a fresh set of ears.
When you’re a guest on a podcast, you have the chance to share your story, expertise, and insights with an entirely different listening landscape. Take this opportunity to build relationships with people that might not have otherwise had the chance to meet you.
It’s also worth noting that podcasts are an invaluable way to connect with people that are passionate about the same topics that you are.
4. Write A Book
Most people instantly wince at the idea…
Writing a book is one of the most impactful ways to establish yourself as an authority figure in your industry. It doesn’t matter what your book is about as long as it’s something that will help your target market in some way, shape, or form.
The act of writing a book will also force you to really think about your personal brand and what makes you unique.
Once you’ve written your book, you can start promoting its value to your target market. Before you know it, high-value clients will be intentionally seeking out your personal brand.
5. Start A Blog On Your Brand Website
A personalized blog is a perfect platform to put your most inspiring thoughts into the art of words. When you have a blog, it becomes easier to get in touch with your target market as you can repurpose your content on social media platforms and other online channels.
That is where the omnipresence truly takes flight.
Your blog should be used as a tool to show off your expertise and build trust with potential customers. If you’re consistent, you’ll start to see an increase in traffic to your website and an increase in customers who are undeniably loyal to your brand.
When fleshing out topics in your mind, be creative and think outside the box.
The important thing is to start taking action and see what works best for you and your brand.
You know what to do, but you still may not know how to get it done phenomenally.
The Pull Got You Here. All You Need Now Is A Little Push.
To become someone that stands out above the rest, you must first become a leader that people look up to. All of that knowledge and experience you have trapped inside your brain… it’s time to let it all out in the form of a perfectly packaged value proposition.
I said the exact phrase below at one of my most recent events.
“I tell everybody I’m a different kind of coach, and I say just walk with me down to the deep end and you’re going to realize that you’ve known how to swim the entire time.
No one here fumbled. No one here dropped the ball.
This has been the moment you’ve been waiting for.
All you need is what most people need, a push. You need a pull first to get you here, and then I push you to get you to perform. Fear doesn’t have to be a factor.
We shift fear into faith here and make leaders through leverage.”
The Leadership Live Deep Dive @ 5 is the perfect place to dispel your fear and gain confidence in your competence surrounded by other forward-thinking professionals like yourself. Every Saturday, in this free training, we open your eyes to the world of leadership and branding.
This is where we help professionals transition from their static organizational positions to a dynamic life as successful entrepreneurs full of passion and drive.
Before you ask, yes, there’s a spot open just for you.
Build Your Personal Brand. Join The Elite.
Personal branding is all about differentiating yourself from the competition and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.
The five methods mentioned above are a pivotal starting point, but the Leadership Live Deep Dive @ 5 will take you further, faster. Keep taking action and moving forward. If you do that, you will boldly float by faith while others unfortunately sink from fear.
The Most Effective Way To Translate Discipline Into Your Leadership Language
What if I told you that it was possible to be in the top 1% of earners in your field by simply having discipline?
Would you believe me?
The average person has an attention span of 8 seconds. That’s less than a goldfish.
With that being said, our schedule is tight, so let’s attack the facts.
You’ve been working in your field for at least 10 to 20 years and have amassed remarkable accomplishments. You are a leader in your industry, but not yet branded as one. For that, you’re starting to get this unshakeable feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Listen to it. It’s your future calling, and the pathway to that financially free future is at the end.
Keep reading.
Leave Your Past In The Past, But First, ,Learn, From It To ,Earn, From It
Let us examine what your daily schedule looked like over the past few years.
You’ve been grinding at the same organization, and mobility has been modest. Not much has changed save for the fact that you’ve gained more knowledge and taken on an ever-increasing set of vital responsibilities. There’s no doubt in my mind that you got to that high-level position through hard work. But let me caveat that with this.
Hard work doesn’t equal discipline.
You might be thinking, “What the heck? I’ve been busting my butt for years. Surely that equals discipline!”
I used to think the same thing until I realized that the two are very different.
To better understand this vital distinction, let’s take a look at the definition of each word.
Hard Work Alone Doesn’t Create Money-Making Habits
Hard work is “effort expended on a task that is difficult or requires concentration.”
Self-Discipline is “the ability to make yourself take actions that you know you should do even when you don’t feel like doing them.”
In short, hard work is what you do when you’re trying to complete a task. Discipline is what you have when you want to achieve a goal; hard work is the physical act, but discipline is the mindset.
While those less successful may pass off these definitions as nuance, understanding and applying these distinct concepts is the key to changing lives.
The truth is, we live in a society that values hard work more than discipline. We are quick to give recognition to those who put in the extra hours at the office or pull all-nighters to get a project done; however, we don’t often talk about the importance of discipline.
I think it’s because our society is hard-wired for quick results. We want to see results and we want them now. Hard work is a stellar way to get results quickly. But here’s the thing…
Quick Results Rarely Last
Burnout and short-sightedness are plagues of the undisciplined. We kid ourselves into thinking that working harder in the home will complement working even harder in the workplace. We attempt to achieve a work-life balance, and we come up short every time.
Hard work is primarily driven by the feeling of motivation, which is fleeting. As a result, it’s difficult to sustain over time.
The problem with hard work is that it’s often not consistent. You might work hard for a week or two and then take a few weeks off. The goal is always to get back on track but it’s easy to fall off the wagon in the absence of discipline.
On the other hand, slow and steady progress almost always leads to sustainable success. Discipline creates habits and habits create lasting change.
Discipline, by definition, requires that you do things even when you don’t feel like it.
You have the self-control to stick to your goals even when times get tough or trials arise. Having the discipline to maintain a schedule allows us to live to fight another day. When we get rid of instantaneous results in favor of consistent success in all areas of life, we achieve work-life integration.
Enjoying success requires developing discipline.
And the best way to do that is by creating rituals.
From Disorganized To Disciplined
Rituals are the key to developing discipline.
A ritual is “a solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.”
In other words, it’s a series of actions that you perform regularly.
When you have a set ritual, it becomes second nature and you no longer have to think about it. You just do it.
For example, let’s say you want to develop the habit of working out every day.
The first step is to come up with a ritual that you can do every day without fail.
This might look something like this…
- Wake up at 6 am
- Make coffee
- Go for a run
- Take a shower
- Eat breakfast
- Start work
You can see how this ritual would help you develop the discipline to work out every day. Once you get into the habit of doing it, it will become second nature and you’ll find it much easier to stick with it.
Rituals are also important because they give structure to your day.
When you have a set ritual, it’s easier to focus on your goals and stay on track.
If you want to be successful, you need to start creating rituals that will help you develop discipline. Once you have discipline, branding yourself like a leader is inevitable.
Don’t Be That Person. You Know The Type.
The problem is that too many people try to go viral or get featured on popular podcasts without thinking about the long-term effects of their efforts.
They might get a short-term boost in traffic or sales but it’s not sustainable. And when they inevitably run out of steam, they have nothing to fall back on.
You need to have a long-term vision for your brand. You need to think about where you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years.
And you need to start taking steps today that will help you get there.
The first step is investing in high-quality content created by a true industry expert that establishes you as a thought leader in your field.
When you have access to this type of content, it gives you the ability to share your message with the world and build a tribe of passionate leaders.
It also positions you as an authority figure where reputable resources are born.
The best part is that this course is designed to help you get on track in just 8 weeks.
If you’re serious about building a personal brand, there is a spot with your name on it.
Still Not Convinced? Okay, Back To The Basics.
Why Is A Brand Important?
Owning an integrous brand allows you to stand out in a sea of mediocrity.
There are too many people in the world who are content with being average. They do just enough to get by and don’t strive for excellence.
Excellence is what sets you apart from the rest and allows you to charge what you’re worth.
When you have a strong personal brand, people are willing to pay more for your products and services because they know, like, and trust that what your delivering has deep-seated value. Value that you spent years to obtain, transform, and refine for their viewing pleasure.
They also know that you’re the real deal and not just some fly-by-night guru who is trying to sell them the latest get-rich-quick scheme.
People are tired of being taken advantage of and they want to work with someone they can trust.
That’s where your personal brand comes in to save the day every single time.
Do You Have What It Takes To Build An Impactful Brand?
Simply trying to scale a business on its own merits shoves your creativity into a corner. The chance for future expansion quickly dissipates when there’s no face to your brand.
Become that recognizable face to build that limitless brand.
But it all starts with the right mindset…
You must think long-term. You must brand yourself like a leader.
Show Your Purpose Through Your Brand To…
Make people stop, look, and listen for generations to come
The team I’ve hand-selected will help you see the world through a different lens and give you access to the resources, connections, and strategies you need to succeed.
They will also challenge you when you need it and give you tough love when required because that’s what it takes to get results in today’s competitive market.
Save your spot. You don’t want to miss this train.
The shift from entrepreneur to salesperson starts with these 5 tips
Every entrepreneur has heard that no matter your business, you’ll have to sell. When we think about selling, we think about the best tactics to put in place and measure success by our conversion rates and closes.
We don’t always think about how to make an internal shift in mindset to get comfortable with being a salesperson and adapting our leadership style to be successful in sales.
“Entrepreneurship and sales are intimately linked.”
We discussed selling with heart this weekend on The Breakfast With The Brand Podcast.
To make the mental shift, we begin by asking different questions.
Instead of asking yourself, “What do I have to do to close more sales.”
ask yourself, “Who do I have to become to serve my prospects.”
To succeed in sales, ask yourself these five questions.
1. What is my intention with every sales conversation?
2. How can I increase my emotional intelligence to understand my client?
3. How can I be more present throughout the sales presentation?
4. What is my unique selling proposition?
5. How can I increase the value for my prospects and clients?
Understanding your intention when you’re going in for sale is critical. Inside my program, Closing Like Leader, I show my clients how to get their personal affairs in order so that they intend to help, serve and add value when they meet with a potential client.
When you come from a place of abundance rather than scarcity, you naturally put the client at ease and set the tone for the entire sales process..
Emotional Intelligence:
Entrepreneurs who close sales are emotionally intelligent, meaning they are aware of their emotions while navigating the feelings of others.
Developing this kind of intelligence starts with mastering your emotions and learning how to push your needs to the side long enough to understand what your prospect is going through.
Becoming anything in life requires focus. The ability to be present with someone is a gift. When fully present, you can connect with the other person more profoundly.
During the podcast episode, I discussed how much selling relies on the small things but to hone in on the small stuff; you have to be present. The difference between the salesperson who makes the sale and the one who doesn’t is often just a few words you can only pick up on if you are fully present.
Unique Selling Proposition:
The heart and blood of your business rest in your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The foundation of your USP is your Personal Brand. Too often, we get caught up in the tactics of selling without having a clear understanding of what makes us different and how we can authentically add value.
Remember, you’re not in the business of selling products or services. You’re in the business of solving problems. When you go into a sales conversation to understand the problem that your prospect or client is trying to solve and how you can help, you will naturally create more value.
If you want to shift your mindset and leadership style to be more successful in sales, join us for The Leadership Deep Dive At Five.
This live FREE online training will help you apply the heart behind the deal to increase your conversion rate and close more sales. Register now, and we’ll see you this Saturday at 5:00 p.m.